White supremacy benefits us as much as it does white men, so this is not surprising. It's comforting for some progressive whites to try to blame it on a woman just doing what her husband says, but that's no excuse. These women cherish their status. https://twitter.com/seyiakiwowo/status/1323887775372976132
The girls are doing it themselves, and they enjoy it. White supremacy teaches us to think selfish and stay selfish. Play your hand right, cultivate the attention and respect of white men by playing their game, and it's your game too. You can even become a Supreme Court justice.
If you're a white woman, you inevitably participate in white supremacy by default. There are other factors like gender presentation, class, etc. that impact your level of power, but if you can walk into a store and not be immediately suspected of intent to rob, that's privilege.
The key for those of us who want to do better and be better is to keep working on it. Guilt seems largely useless, although your mileage may vary. But a feeling of responsibility and duty can help. And it isn't snobbery or elitism to try your best to not be a piece of shit.
It's not self-hatred or self-loathing to say, "I was raised in a system that taught me that I can have whatever I want, so long as I look the right way, talk the right way, act the right way - and even if I don't, bare minimum, I'll probably be seen as harmless or just weird."
Anyway, I haven't read all the books or studied all the shit or gone to all the protests. I'm not a model progressive individual. I can be real selfish and I've got my own prejudices. But it's not surprising to me that most white women voters went for Trump.
The rich white girls go in for Trump, and so do the poor white girls and the girls in between. The false narrative of every lady Trump voter being some downtrodden coal miner's wife is a convenient myth to peddle if you want to think of yourself as a good white, I guess.
I know a lot of whites - progressives, liberals, moderates, even a few self-described conservatives - who talked to their neighbors, family, and friends and encouraged them to vote for Biden, or at least not for Trump. But Trump represents the perfect white supremacist ideal.
White supremacy is an addiction. We are born hooked. It takes work every day to undo it - and even then, if you're a well-intentioned progressive white like me, you'll slip up, not see things, feel resentful that you have to change. Addiction is like that. There are no vacations.
With any addiction, you hit bottom and have a choice about where to go from there. You can personally hit bottom with your addiction to whatever fuckery is ailing you. And, as a group, you can hit bottom. For many whites, even death by plague doesn't constitute that.
Anyway. This thread is not going to change many minds, particularly those so sunk in addiction to white supremacy that they can't or won't see a path out - because their whole life is built on the boons of whiteness (while often declaring themselves victims, misunderstood, etc.)
But if you feel in your gut that something is wrong, and that life could be better, and that maybe the progressives or liberals or moderates in your life might have some kind of point even if you don't agree with much of what they say...well, pay attention to that signal.
Probably most of the people who see this are already progressive/liberal/moderate but you never know. Anyway. Time for coffee. Donate to @RAICESTEXAS and @NAACP_LDF. Have a day.
One more thing: some of you really aren't going to like the term "white supremacy." But the GOP has worked hard for 50+ years to ensure that violently anti-black, xenophobic whites don't need to hide behind a hood anymore. And in truth, they never did.
GOP voters like to only apply the term "white supremacist" to people with swastika tattoos and white hoods. It makes them feel better about what they've done. "Classier." And it prevents them from looking at the reality of what their Republican vote wreaks upon the masses.
Biden may indeed win. This is a thread about exit polls indicating that over half of white women voters voted for Trump. If you're shocked that Biden didn't win in a landslide on Election Night, you're ignoring a.) mail-in votes and b.) the reality of white supremacy. The end.
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