OK, so this election results thing is quite nail-biting, isn't it? I see a lot of leftists of all nationalities theorising about why it is so close & Trump could win. These theories fall into a number of categories. Amazingly, only the ones that agree with me are correct.
There's this cluster:

Trump is a psychopath & half of voting Americans approve of psychopaths.
Trump is a fascist & half of voting Americans like fascism.
Trump is a racist, misogynist homophobe etc half of voting Americans are also racist, misogynist homophobes etc
This theory is almost certainly wrong as the vast majority of Americans are not evil so it is extremely unlikely that 50% of them want to make their country more psychopathic, fascist, racist, misogynistic or homophobic.
It's also worrying as it feeds into the cycle that is hurting the US. It looks like this:

1) SocJus scholars & activists: US is inherently white supremacist, patriarchal, homophobic etc & we are the enlightened few who can & must awaken the masses to their grievous moral error
2) The non-SocJus masses: Welp, this seems a bit nuts and we probably don't want this weird belief system about invisible systems of power that make the majority of the population oppressors by merely existing while white, male or straight in our government.
(I should have said the non SocJus masses who see this problem and recognise it as a problem. I'm afraid many liberal leftists who should know better are still minimising the problem as a few loons or presenting SocJus as a much more liberal thing than it is)
Non SocJus believers who see the problem & recognise it as a problem respond in a number of ways.
a) Rightists capitalise on it & try to draw more people right.
b) Leftists try to argue with it & fix it but some feel they can no longer vote left & don't vote or vote right
Therefore support for Trump increases because he is acknowledging the problem (even tho he's also behaving disastrously in many other vitally important issues that affect American lives - Covid management, climate change, healthcare etc)
SocJus scholars & activists: See! We told you the US was white supremacist, patriarchal, homophobic etc. Trump epitomises all those things & people are voting for him. That proves we need to redouble our invisible power systems/identity politics insanity.
SocJus scholars & activists: Also, protestors are mostly peaceful & the few burning shit down, stealing stuff, beating up innocent bystanders & destroying poor neighbourhoods are condonable.
Mainstream media: This is correct.

*people sweep up the remnants of their livelihoods*
If this election ultimately restores Trump to power, I beg American liberal leftists to find & put forward a Democratic candidate who will acknowledge that the SocJus left is a problem which at its best is addressing racial justice etc very badly & at its worst domestic terrorism
We need leftist leaders who will take the kernel of truth in SocJus - we still have problems with racism that needs addressing with policies informed by rigorous scholarship that also addresses class issues - & address them alongside other vital issues like climate change, covid.
My approach, as you know, has been to continue to support left-wing parties despite the corrupting influence of SocJus because elections should not be about single issues & the left continues to offer better policies generally for housing, poverty, healthcare, climate change etc
I think we (leftists) need to stay put and try to fix the left from the inside by electing them & then putting great pressure on them to reject counterproductive SocJus ideas which are based on very poor science & very dubious ethics. I think that's the only way to fix it.
Other left-leaning people think there is just too much corruption by SocJus now and that putting power into the hands of left-wing parties will lead to dire consequences including authoritarian thought-policing, institutionalised racism & utter neglect of the working class.
Believe it or not, many liberal lefties have gone right despite supporting more of the leftwing platforms policies precisely because they think this is the only way to defeat the SocJus problem, after which a respectworthy & productive leftwing party can be rebuilt.
I think this misguided & staying put in the left is both more effective for restraining SocJus overreach & enacting more traditionally leftwing social policies. I have the humility to accept I might be wrong about the first bit, but the second bit also matters a hell of a lot.
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