You wanna know why people in other countries (like me) care about the election and stay up all night following the results also? Cuz for countries (like us, Iran) the person in whitr house literally holds the matter of life and death and i just dont mean like in a war...
If you want to know the nightmare that trump's preaidency was just know the fact that due to his sanctions and bans people, sick people in my country dont haven i repeat DONT HAVE insulin cuz he banned medcining transfering to my country. People might die just cause they cant...
Get the right medicine, for cancer, for MS,for diabeties! And none of you people sitting in USA voting for that orange head will understand this!
Just know people, who gets behind that chair is a matter of life and death for people all arpund the world!
Just so you know sanctions and bannes have affected everyone's lives here... whats a tampon huh??? Yeah mkst famous brands of tampons are finished in my country along with so many more eqipments.. any thing electronics, health care, shampoos, food! So yeah just once think about
How your fucking opinion can affect so many people in soooo many aspects of their lives and not be fucking selfiah maybe
You love your pets.. i bet you do? But i also bet you neverhave to worry about what are you gonna feed them... but we do
So kany people lost their pets duo to not being able to use proper food for their pets!
Now i know so many of thise issues might not seem important...
And i agree, but i just want you to know the impact of someone sitting behind that chair has to even the simplest smallest things that you never even worry about!
But still you cant tell someone who doesn't have Insulin that its not a big deal, they will die.
You cant tell someone who needs a ventilator for breathing that they cant have Oxigen cuz we are banned.
You cant tell someone who is dying from cancer that we dont have enough...
Chemo drugs!
& yet the past year this nightmare has been our reality!
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