
The United States presidential elections feature two forms of voting: Popular and Electoral.

The popular voting is straight forward as it's who the American citizens choose.

However, it is the Electoral College that has the final say in who becomes the US president.
Each state has a certain number of "electors" selected to cast their vote for the President based on how the state population votes. Now here's what's messed up: Some states have a greater number of electors than others and so a greater impact on who wins.
Ex. Pennsylvania gets 20 electoral votes and Wyoming has 3 electoral votes. All states are meant to be equal, but our votes are not weighed equally.
The goal is to collect the most electoral votes, NOT the most popular votes. Because thanks to the Electoral College, you can LOSE the popular vote (the vote of the people) and still become president.

This happened with Trump, who won the EC vote but lost the popular vote.
Here's the thing: Trump could pitch a fit if he loses to Biden, and Biden gets 270, but thanks to the GOP's insistence over the years electors cannot vote their conscience (The EC was originally a fail-safe, but the GOP ruined that...)
This means no matter how much Trump whines, if the 270+ holds for Biden once the dust settles, the EC will have their vote December 14th. That's the date to watch as that's the REAL election date in America.
The EC decision is final and will decide the presidency. The popular vote influences that outcome but Americans do not have the final say as we are not a democracy but instead a constitutional republic.
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