Please stop asking me why rural voters primarily voted for Trump. This question should have been asked 5 years ago.

I've been tweeting for 5 years about this.

The democrats discount the hate and disparities in Rural America, a place with significant lack of healthcare.
The Democratic party has done little that I have seen in 5 years to really improve rural areas.

Covid is now catching up and crippling the rural midwest but this was after many businesses closed due to shutdown. And when a business closes in rural America, there are not jobs.
When someone consistently spews lies for 5 years that he cares about rural America, people will believe it. Because no recent Pres really says that or has cared.

We know he lies. Trump made rural America "popular" again. And like every mean girls clique, they stick together.
I am unsure why the polls continue to discount the anger that white "less educated" rural Americans feel, but they should wake up.

Because they are facing a lot of disparities that rarely make it in the news or are discussed.
We have had a decrease of rural medical students over the past decade; there's been a 28% decline.

Less than 4% of medical students come from rural areas despite rural Americans making up 20-25% of population.

Graduating physicians today are primarily NOT from rural areas.
I will never understand how anyone can justify voting for a racist misogynistic impeached person. I truly do not understand. It makes me ill.

At the same time, rural America does not feel the love from the Democratic party. And medicine has not included them for a long time.
We don't even have classes at my school about rural health.

Does your medical school?
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