I've once had to talk with a very close friend of mine about being in an abusive relationship. đź’”

Basically, we found a similar pattern/trajectory abusive relationships follow. 🚀

But first, we must acknowledge how difficult it can be leaving an abusive relationship 🥺
I'll share an article we learned this from at the end. I'll attempt to summarize it as a thread here..

You may disagree with this trajectory, that's fine.. You may also have experiences that support this.

Whatever the case is, I hope this article might help someone.
1. It starts seemingly perfect. They attempt to captivate you, and do it very fast.

Of course, this isn't the case everytime.. But I hope we are sensitive enough to know when it is.
2. Things pick up speed.. Many times, faster than you'll naturally be comfortable with.

They attempt to create a quick connection, they often go overboard.
3. They don't give you space. It first starts as "sweet" and "protective". Soon after, becomes ownership and possessiveness

They use their sense of paranoia to affect your freedom

They'll start sowing seeds of distrust, you may start loosing touch with people who care about you
4. They start acting irrationally jealous. Like WTF.

They make you attempt to proove your loyalty to them - unnecessary.

They act like a victim of past relationships, scars from their past.

You draw closer to them, inconsequential - farther from others.
5. Things get very delicate with them. You can't predict their reaction anymore. They tend to easily withdraw their affection towards you.

As little as disagreeing with them, they act hostile.

You're walking on eggshells.
6. They start to make everything that goes wrong your fault. They blame every other thing asides themselves.

You start to doubt yourself. They find it easy using you as an outlet to vent their anger.

Please, you are not the problem.
7. They Gaslight you as fuck.

They make you seem delusional. They make it difficult for other people to ever believe that they have the capacity to hurt you.. You seem like you're overreacting.
8. They guilt trip you.

They basically blackmail you with self harm, they threaten your safety.

They become extremely manipulative, aimed at ensuring you can't leave them.

They make you feel like you'll never meet someone else that'll love you like they do. Bullshit.
You start to remember the good old days... You'll start to feel like you can save them.

A wise philosopher once said..

"Don't save them, they don't want to be saved"
Remember, abusive relationships don't usually start with physical violence.. But they sure can lead to it.
Please be sensitive enough to read the signs.. They are always there.

I wish you the best.

With love.
I hate abusers.
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