Biden will probably win Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, but the TV trained us to believe politics are a TV show and the TV President was in the lead when the show signed off.

Politics as spectacle will be our undoing if we don’t reject it in totality.
I hate to say it, but everything so far has happened pretty much as expected, including Trump attempting a coup, which a lot of us told you he would do.

The problem is this circus, the TV show around the process. Put a lid on it, announce a result when there are results.
Yes, Americans still support Trump. Nobody should’ve expected a Reagan-like landslide. Defeating Trump is only the beginning of a much, much larger fight. But sitting here looking at results like you’re watching a football game only feeds into Trump’s narrative.
Trump’s attempted coup is based on TV politics, the idea that he was ahead when people went to bed. It’s a lack of object permanence turned into fascism. And what’s worse, he told you and those of us studying his authoritarianism told you this is what would happen.
The way this has played out isn’t surprising in the least. It’s what a lot of us have been predicting for weeks. Chill out and understand Trump’s coup attempt depends on you feeling hopeless and shocked. Our country depends on this election being carried out in totality.
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