People saying only white Latinos voted for Trump also don’t know how far conspiracy theories have gone, Q and right-wing fake news are also abound in Latin America. In DR they’re saying Dems want to get rid of borders. WhatsApp disinformation is rampant.
And with Venezuelan refugees spread across the region and US anti-communist and anti-Cuba propaganda is still used to instill fear in local elections of progressive candidates, the fear of socialism is actually everywhere.
I can’t say much of how Mexicans and Central American immigrants in the US vote. All I’m saying is even in your “LatAm isn’t a monolith” take, u have to consider it’s also not just Black and White—though racial lines do matter too. Obviously.
Doing this cuz people r saying “everyone” now claims to be an expert, for what it’s worth I have a Master’s in Latin American and Caribbean Studies. And my BA was in Journalism and Political Science.
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