Imagine your understanding of what's transpiring in the US election was based entirely upon this source.
Just perfectly normal reporting here folks
It's an all hands on deck full court press
and on and on it goes...
Meanwhile... how good* is this headline?
"How we laugh"

I love you all dearly, but that is 12 minutes of my life I will not be allocating to this on any account.
Suggesting this is unhinged makes the category error of suggesting there were ever hinges.
They are boots deep in the "Trump is the legitimate winner" camp.
Party hats are out
The amazing thing about posting right through it is you just keep posting right through it and never turn back and every time you were wildly wrong or had no idea what you were talking about or lied is irrelevant because you just keep posting right through and never turn back an-
Like, there is no reckoning for any of this, they are not hired to inform or be truthful, they're handsomely paid to run a culture war perpetually distracting us from the exact material realities they accuse the left of ignoring.

If Biden does win, they simply have more grist.
fash gonna fash, while also finding a way to quote Orwell at us
Guarantee the bulk of this was written days ago.
Why are we talking about an outcome when we're so far from an outcome?
Anyway, looks to me like this is an offer for everyone at Sky News and The Oz who has been backing Trump to immediately resign if Trump in fact loses.
Come for the "realistic attitude to a pandemic", stay for the "victory for democracy".
Just to be entirely clear, Chris Kenny is joining James Morrow and other colleagues here in indicating there can be no legitimacy to a "snatched" Biden victory.
Thinking of this for no particular reason
I knew these two were coming but this is still bonkers.
We cross live to "journalist and photographer" Andy Ngo who seems bitterly disappointed that nothing violent is actually happening or even on the cards.
Decided to play The Oz Editorial Buzzword Drinking Game and dropped to the floor stone dead before the end of the first paragraph.
We're going to need a bigger bin.
Pure teflon
Whatever happens, just remember to keep posting.
A story in 4 acts
Operation Pivot continues apace.
Operation Conspiracies continues apace
It must be kind of galling for S.N.A. that their efforts to undermine Biden's campaign via a puff Bannon chat may not have tipped Trump over the line
The answer is yes, there is plenty of commentary even I cannot face threading.
Really wonder what kind of news outlets might be prompting people to have "an awful lot of questions" about whether a Biden government that received more popular votes and more electoral college votes is legitimate...
Meanwhile hot* off the press...
*Racks brain to work out which Sky News Aus presenter is 65*
'The views of non-white Americans are very interesting to me, a consistent person who has always valued and signal boosted the views of non-white Americans.'
Meanwhile this is how recent guest of Sky News Australia, "journalist and photographer" Andy Ngo, decides to report the confiscation of a rifle from a chap with a clear Boogaloo adjacent bent.
What an actual journalist might have told you in the circumstances...
mfw the political media class have been 'repudiated and exposed' by election results
Biden landslide: 'To be expected given the political media elite poisoned the minds of the mainstream'

Biden win: 'A repudiation of the media political elite (but not of Trump) by the poisoned mainstream'

Trump narrow win: 'The mainstream has spoken loud and clear'
So Sky is now just posting through as if they had never even considered the possibility let alone probability let alone actually declared and celebrated that Trump had clearly won.
(With a side serve of Biden fraud)
At the risk of quoting myself into my own wormhole and never escaping
This one is interesting yet also unsurprising. But for a few key exceptions, Bolt is in some ways the most pragmatic of this cohort and will hastily toss anyone under a bus - rather than waste precious time dallying with conspiracy he will go straight to deriding president Biden.
Vague allusions to mail-in vote fraud that will fizzle out are for amateurs, this is where the game is for the real players now.
How it started How it's going
So she is going on a lot about how the election is being stolen but most chilling is the reminder that she is now "our Lauren".
Okay you know what, after all this you have all earned a little SAD looking sad, as a treat.
Not one to gloat or revel in schadenfreude, but a day is a long time in partisan politix.
Amazing that you don't see any of them going so hard to ensure postal votes in Australia are discounted, for some unimaginable reason...
My favourite genre at the moment is "Biden getting anything less than a landslide win with 80% of the vote is a wake-up call for the woke" alongside radio silence about any possible lessons folk suggesting this kind of thing might want to gently take.
....and on it goes, now with added 'chicanery' and 'march of terror'...
While seemingly every other news outlet on the planet finally starts to get its act together...
Links to a video and the full speech with transcript 'highlights', no frame, no context, no rebuttal, just 15 minutes of Trump Trumping.
This is the 'respectable' daytime stuff, what can we look forward to after dark?
I mean this is the *New York Post*, which endorsed Trump in both 2016 and 2020, yet compare the pair
They actually used the J-word
It really is a veritable 🤡🚗
Going off those last two posts, I would forego the Royal Commission everyone wants in exchange for one rule: no children of the media class are allowed to follow their parents into the industry.
Scandalous that someone might use their father’s position to their own ends you say...
This one is too wild to even I just don't know what to how do I even start to
Looks like Lauren (once again) has not enjoyed The Great Replacement of commentary and analysis by big tech.
I too like to make up imaginary (minimum wage) scenarios and then express terror at this terrifying scenario.
The absolute scenes of SNA tut-tutting hypocrisy and the use of emotive, hyperbolic, or inflammatory language.
This is your brain on YouTube folks
If you're wondering, that other guest is Rebecca Weisser of The Spectator Australia.

[Full disclosure: The Spectator Australia is the esteemed periodical that recently alerted the world to the fact my only worldly possession is the sock I like to wank into]
And we're back on the fraud train.

They will run hard on this fraud stuff until it fizzes because they know their guy is gone.

They'll simultaneously pivot to butchering Orwell and bashing their usual foes - ABC, the wokes, ABC, the elites, ABC, the wokes...
And this is why I go on about this. Too many are too quick to say we can just ignore Sky New Australia as a silly sideshow with a handful of viewers, but that ignores their actual reach and the way it platforms and launders the fringe on a global scale.
Sky regularly and increasingly legitimises the likes of Laur*n Southern and An*y Ngo, who in turn have massive reach via the socials into very murky depths. We just see Rowan being a buffoon or whatever, but this is all happening and nobody past @cameronwilson really even looks.
These are big numbers
This is why we're going to get more and more of these terrible takes
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