. @CNN purposely omitting the context from their shock and horror at Trump's remarks - he's talking about the state of Pennsylvania allowing mail-in ballots received up to 3 days after the election to be counted, including those with no discernible postmark. The Supreme Court...
...declined to take the case due to the lack of time to adjudicate it before the election, but noted that the election commissioner should segregate all mail-in votes received between 8 PM Tuesday night and 5 PM Friday, in order to preserve the evidence, if you will, in the...
...event the Trump campaign renews the challenge after the election. The PA commissioner "issued guidance" to segregate them, but there doesn't appear to be a system in place to do so.

So, no - Trump's not asking to stop the counting of random votes - he's arguing that a...
...state court can't add a three-day grace period to a statute that didn't include that grace period at the request of Democrats, nor can they add a provision that indecipherable postmarks will be counted as valid, because those provisions have to be ratified not by courts but...
...by legislative bodies. The point is both constitutional and practical - there is a valid concern of fraud when a county stops counting votes on the night of the election when Trump is leading, then allow mail-in ballots with no post mark to be accepted and counted for the...
...next three days. If you need 50 thousand votes, you may just find 50 thousand votes. Depends on humans with strong feelings making decisions in private rooms.

That's what Trump's talking about, and he's right. @jaketapper and his panel buddies know all of this, or at...
..least they should. It's easy to fan the flames with false outrage - it's actually journalism to know your facts and explain the context to your viewers. Guess which option Jake took.
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