Dear Pro-Black people,

If the blight wins re-election, it isn't our fault.
It is the fault of the anti-Black people who voted for him, who did everything in their power to suppress the votes of pro-Black people, who cheated because they knew their shitty candidate couldn't win in a fair fight...
...who scraped the bottom of the pudding cup to give us the LEAST visionary, bluest anti-Black candidate they could find to run against him.
Because you know that's the conversation happening under the conversation between white folks, right? The question is not whether the country wants to be Republican or Democrat, conservative or liberal. It's whether the country wants to be white or Black.
Most white people think voting Democrat means that you want to take everything away from white people and give it to Black people. And they very much like it the other way, where being a Republican means taking everything away from Black people and giving it to white people.
But the gag is: Being a Democrat doesn't mean what white people think it means. What I've observed is that being a Democrat means coddling anti-Black people rather than mobilizing them for a race war like Republicans do.
For example, when a cop kills a Black person, a Republican says: "GOOD!" and does everything possible to ensure there is no justice for the victim and their loved ones.
A Democrat, on the other hand, says, "Our thoughts and prayers!" and does nothing possible to bring justice for the victim and their loved ones. Two methods, same outcome.

Whiteness takes many paths that lead to the same destination.
We see this in how whiteness destroys the truth in order to justify its crimes. This is how white Christians can vote for a man who holds a bible upside down and mispronounces the names of chapters.
This is how white women can vote for a man who has over a dozen r*pe allegations against him, including the r*pe of a 13-year-old girl.
This is how white people can vote for a man who lied about the existence and severity of a pandemic that killed their own friends and family members. For them, truth is irrelevant. For them to be happy, Black people have to suffer.
Their entire identity is built on the lie that they are the "master race." They confuse cruelty with superiority.
What does this mean for pro-Black people?

We keep resisting. We keep fighting. We push back against their attempts (too often successful) to divide and conquer.

Because the alternative is being wiped from the face of the Earth.
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