Over email I've been helping a local ham, David W4OFO, build his own version of my mobile radio body support system, and last night he had his first sat contact! It was with Bob @W2ZF_. Immediately after that Bob gave @km1ndy her first sat contact as well! /1
You can hear both of their contacts at 1:10 in David's recording of the pass. David actually made three contacts in total. Pretty good for his first try! He was in FM07 on vacation. I'm trying to get him on LoTW as I don't have that grid ;-) /2 https://www.dropbox.com/preview/Public/2020-11-03_-_0408_UTC_AO-91-grid_FM07_W4OFO_recording.mp3
Mindy has a video of her contact. /3 https://twitter.com/km1ndy/status/1323511920155103238
Speaking of the mobile radio body support system, Michael @K4KMP_EL95 got a version of this made by a woodworker in September who added some nice aesthetic touches to it. /4
I think I tweeted about this, but Loon @NA1SA1 was the first person to duplicate my setup, in December 2018. I have added all these pictures and more to the web page on this body support system. 5/5

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