Biden -210 to -190, Trump surging in FL -400

Georgia should be interesting Biden early lead but to be expected, -200 to -170 to -125 (R)

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Will post on this thread
If Biden dips below -140 to -150 in the next few hrs, think it's time to hit Trump live & he likely wins; not a ton of value hitting Biden live IMO, number will be too big, live betting market Trump or pass IMO
Biden -185 (all odds via Bovada)
Georgia (R) -125 to -180 live; Obama and Dems went hard in this state, had a great ground game, they wanted it bad; think this state tells is alot
Biden -145/Trump +115

Key spot here. If we see another dip in the next half hour toward Trump, time to hit. Wouldn't be afraid to lose the 15 cents of value if trump hits +100 live I think he's likely the winner. Still ALLOTTT to go. Just speaking historically last 3 elections
Biden -135 then back to -145

Wow, Florida and georgia pulling away red

Might be time. It's your money obviously

PA will be so variable and important with mail in voting

Almost feels like books goating betters to take the public dog
The mail in voting adds a unique layer we haven't seen in previous elections. But this feels alot like 2016 tracking the live odds. Again, part of me feels these numbers are dipping faster than they should bc Trump is popular public dog, Evening out money
Still so early but there are key indicators and early vote totals aren't as significant as telling counties where a candidate is expected to amass a quick lead but like in FL the key counties Biden isn't jumping out quick enough, like ones Hillary was 65/35 early and ends up beat
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