The ADA isn’t exactly titillating,
but read section 2.
Physical or mental impairment includes... contagious and noncontagious diseases.

Wait a sec, it’s against the law to discriminate against people based on communicable diseases? You betcha.
#RationalGround Let’s do ADA
But surely there aren’t many qualifying conditions under ADA!

Um... actually 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

Hate to break it to you, but “other health impairment” covers an endless multitude of conditions.

What does this mean?
How does it impact Covid?
Shouldn’t everyone just mask up and hush?
Heck no. Why? Because many people cannot mask, and guess what!?
You’re equal in the eyes of disability law.

Even if you want them to really super duper hard, some people can’t mask. Qualifying exemptions include bound torture, abduction, Autism, PTSD, COPD, Asthma...
Plus, your solutions cannot impede the operation of a major bodily function, nor can they further impede an already impeded major bodily function.
Confused yet? They want you to be, because they don’t know what to tell you to do next if masks don’t work. Hint: they don’t

But can’t we just keep people out of public spaces and make them get delivery options and drive-up and never show their gross bare faces in a store ever again?

Ah crap, nope.
You can’t scream at them, threaten or coerce then either, even if they’re your employee or you just really feel like it.
But them being possibly maybe sick with a condition with a 99.6% survivability rate surely must pose a direct threat, right?

Are they wiping a contaminated swab directly into your nasal cavity or standing 20 feet away from you in a grocery store? Spot a difference?

All have the right to reasonable accommodation, even if sick. Even if they’re ugly or don’t support your politician or you just don’t want to.
Right to reasonable accommodation means you cannot deny them service outright and must find a meaningful middle ground.
But consent also has a place in the conversation, as proximity during things such as haircuts or massages can pose a transmission risk based on proximity. This is generally up to individual provider consent.
All employers, all workplaces, all places of business.
All must follow the ADA.
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