@SamSeder & the @majorityfm team made a good argument a while ago on the show for casting a vote for Biden.
He & @NomikiKonst did so again more recently. It comes down to this: if you want to institute any kind of progressive change, pack the courts, help the needy, etc., Biden is the only viable candidate. Climate change is most dire issue for me. Fighting to reverse it is imperative.
I'm not voting for Biden Harris. I cast my vote for the Earth; to put power in the hands of people who follow science; to overturn Citizens United. I cast it against white supremacy & Nazi psychopaths. Trump et al. won't disappear, but we must remove them from power post haste.
And the DNC & Democratic establishment will not "learn their lesson" if people abstain or vote third party. I don't want to vote for either racist, old rapist, we need a climate plan right now. I can't waste my vote when we are destroying the planet so completely & rapidly.
Originally, I had planned on voting third party. As a resident of NYC, I knew this state's electoral votes would be in cast for Biden. My vote didn't matter. I had wanted to be part of a tactical shift in votes away from Dems to a third party, showing how they alienated the left.
However, this was myopic for one major reason: @GOP is the party of grifters & Nazis. They have no desire to relinquish power. They'll do anything & everything to hold onto it, illegal or otherwise. Considering that, a protest vote is useless. We need a blowout to regain control.
It makes me sick to hear people praise & excuse Nazis. I'm disgusted & horrified to read about forced hysterectomies & child separation. I'll fight harder than ever, when those in power claim to share my ideals & priorities because we cannot let these monsters hold power again.
Below is a perfect summation of how I feel. When we consider the human lives at stake, I know what I must do to protect peoples' civil liberties & protect the planet. Hope you all voted with that in mind, as well. https://twitter.com/proustmalone/status/1305586052510425089
Here's the @majorityfm stream. Today is the 10th anniversary of the show, to boot.
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