OK, I have to get serious for a moment here. We'll return to our regularly scheduled jokes about stress eating in a bit, but I need to do a small PSA first.
These last few years have been varying amounts of horrible for a lot of people, and if things go a certain way this week, the next few will get much worse for many more.
If we're able to reverse course, it's going to come as a massive relief, and--I say this in all seriousness--that release might be strong enough to kill people. It's a close cousin of caregiver stress, which almost killed my mom a few years ago.
So as much fun as it is to joke about our individual overindulgences tonight and possibly beyond but I certainly hope not, please please please take care of yourselves.
I say this with absolutely no judgment whatsoever. For reference, my meals today have been like a pound of chocolate and I think some bread got in there.
I want to do better, and I hope you do too. Take slow, deep breaths. Eat a vegetable. Drink some water. I love you all, and we're going to figure out a way through all this.
I don't want there to be any empty seats or anyone missing when we're all able to gather for matches again. COYS.

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