I still can't believe we as citizens cannot get our votes audited. We really do need to #AuditTheVote no matter whether we win or not.
this is different from the bullshit Stein was trying to co opt and peddle in 2016. This is an audit, just like accountants do for taxes.

In this day and age there is absolutely no legitimate reason to not have an audit trail for *every* ballot.
National Elections should be conducted by Federal Government, not the states. Each state should have to do it exactly the same way.

Otherwise, it's neither free, nor fair.
I talked about this extensively in 2016. This should be a non-partisan issue. No matter your politics, this is about national sovereignty and protecting the crown jewel of democracy: America's free election systems.
This is an issue I'd want to be in the streets about, because if our elections aren't free and fair, literally nothing else matters.

nothing. Else. matters.
In a 3-4 month span between 2016-2017, the #auditthevote hashtag had more than a billion impressions. I tracked it. I kept the records.

Here's what I think happened.
External forces (call it the Chinese, Russians, Iran, North Korea, pick your favorite bad actor) decided that this hashtag could be used to drive a wedge, and the amplification of this hashtag extended way, way beyond the number of people actually on Twitter.
At some point, some of those bad actors thought they could use me to push their propaganda. I had a now quite famous "resistance" account member - you know their name- personally threaten me if I didn't support Jill Stein on Social Media.
Once it was discovered that I wasn't stupid enough to fall for this propaganda, they came at me with both barrels.

#AuditTheVote was pushed by a LOT of fake accounts, as much as it was pushed by real citizens.

And, 4 years later, I have no more faith than I did then.
The resistance is now a mish mash of

1. the naive but good-intentioned; breathless but sincere, not always thinking before acting
2. The deeply cynical and drifting, in some cases useful idiots to foreign actors, in some cases, straight up agents
* grifting

3. The thoughtful, quiet, hardworking, decent people giving up every spare moment to get us out of this mess

4. A PILE of fake accounts pretending to be these, plus faking disagreements with them
The media has learned nothing. And that's because they didn't want to learn.

They gaslit those of us who try to explain.

And they benefit from confusion in the hopes they'll be the trusted ones.
If we win this thing, it will be ONLY because

1. people, mostly women of color, busted their asses on organizing and fundraising, poll watching and legal fights
2. people got off their asses and voted in record numbers.

Don't let any pundit say anything otherwise.
and if we are so lucky as to have escaped immediate doom, all it means is we have ONE MORE SHOT at fixing it all.

Because Russia, McConnell, and their allies and co-conspirators, are NOT going away.

Next time, they will be smarter. and Meaner.
So decide now. What are you gonna do next?

Are you ready to go to the streets and fight for democracy?
Because this is only the beginning.

And The GOP will try to torch the place on their way out.
We must, must, must #AuditTheVote and ensure free and fair elections. Everywhere in America. The Democrats MUST secure our elections from "enemies, foreign and domestic." And the rule of law, including punishment, must be exercised in bringing those who attacked us to justice.
They are prepared to die to defend racism and oligarchy. bad actors in other countries would LOVE to see us tear this country up in a civil war so they can rush to fill the void we leave.

What are you prepared to sacrifice for America? It's more than brunch, I promise you.
There is no civility to be had with the monsters who brought us Trump. They must be crushed into oblivion. That is the only thing they understand.

You don't negotiate with terrorists and you don't compromise with bullies.
So Democrats, if we win this thing and win big, do not fucking squander it in infighting. get to work immediately, and do NOT get lazy.

Because I guaranfuckingtee you Mitch McConnell is patient and he KNOWS 2022 is right around the corner.
1. Secure the elections
2. Bring america's enemies to justice, foreign and domestic
3. Get the Virus under control

That's about all you can expect from Biden in 2 years. Get real about it. Start to grasp it.
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