So excited it's finally in print!
We worked hard to characterize patterns of #SARSCoV2 transmission in Wisconsin this past spring.
Check out what we found here⬇️
@GageKMoreno @KasenRiemersma @tcflab @dho 1/
Two of WI’s worst spring outbreaks were in Dane Cty and Milwaukee Cty. WI’s “Safer at Home” order went into effect on 25 March. Using viral sequence data, we asked 1) if the “Safer at Home” order reduced viral spread & 2) if the epidemics in these 2 counties were distinct. 3/
To do this, @GageKMoreno and I sequenced viruses using a modified @NetworkArtic protocol on @nanopore sequencers. @KasenRiemersma & @m_a_martin helped us estimate epidemiological parameters independent of case counts using the sequencing data 🧬🔍 4/
Surprisingly, viruses circulating in Dane and Milwaukee County were genetically distinct. Most Milwaukee viruses = 19A clade (Asian-lineage). Most Dane viruses = 20A (European-lineage). 20A is partially defined by spike D614G, recently purported to increase transmissibility. 5/
In Milwaukee County, we find evidence for few, early viral introductions giving rise to substantial community spread 🆚 in Dane County, there were more introductions, but less community spread (even with D614G!) Amazingly, viruses from these two counties did not mix much. 6/
We didn’t do a formal analysis, but these patterns likely relate to demographic diffs (pop’n density)➕socioeconomic diffs (median income, % uninsured)➕disproportionate impact of #SARSCoV2 on Black & Latinx communities (interpersonal & structural racism) #HealthEquityMatters 7/
In both counties, R0 fell by at least 40% after the “Safer at Home” order 💪. However, more recently, the Wisconsin Supreme Court overturned the “Safer at Home” order and UW-Madison resumed in-person classes and experienced one of the worst campus outbreaks in the US. 8/
Centralized and organized systems to sequence #SARSCoV2 viruses in real time from across the US that are well-integrated with epidemiological test-and-trace efforts are urgently needed to guide *targeted* #publichealth campaigns and reduce future outbreaks. 9/
In the meantime, we must continue to work together to reduce viral spread = 😷,6⃣ft, 👐➕🧼 10/
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