I love exploring multiple selves and the relationships bw them, and one dimension to this is time:

>“how present self acts towards past self is a message to future self”

I’d even argue that “messages” can go in ALL temporal directions... https://twitter.com/_stevenfan/status/1323518345816150017
Started playing with this idea after reading an article about washing the dishes at night as a “gift” to your future (morning) self

I loved it...
I find it much easier to practice “being nice to yourself” when you split yourself in two — a giver & a receiver

We already have an intuitive sense of being givers and receivers of niceness w other ppl, so it’s an apt model for how to do it with yourself
So in the case of washing dishes, I split myself into present self (giver) and future self (receiver)

>>Btw much easier to wash dishes when you transform it from a “should do this chore” to a “want to do something nice for someone else”
The relationship can vary too:

Sometimes present self is super tired and has a chat with future self like hey man I’m exhausted is it ok if you take care of these dishes tomorrow? And future self says yea no worries, go to bed, I got you covered
Other times future self will answer actually I rly want to get in the zone first thing in the morning and don’t even want to think about dishes, could you please help me out by doing them tonight?
This has also helped me interrupt patterns in which I worry about future things

Future self will come in and say hey buddy that future thing is *my* domain, *I’ll* take care of it, so stop worrying about it and enjoy your present moment bc that’s *your* domain
Anyway, relating to my past, present, and future selves in this way, and each one doing nice things for the others (which can go in both temporal directions) has been a weird and fun way to practice self-love and form a better relationship w self
And I don’t know much about IFS but have a sense this might be a an intuitive DIY version of that? Obviously going beyond just temporal selves and creating similar dynamics bw your different role selves
TL;DR https://twitter.com/dendricide/status/1323772229360984067
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