90 minutes to first major closing. I didn't have access to my full suite of tools, so this is provisional, but tl;dr: there were efforts at disinformation, but they mostly remained in the margins.. The most influential effort was a set of efforts to claim PA polling places
were a tweet by Mike Roman, a few by Philly GOP tweets, James O'Keefe, James Wood. Nothing got picked up meaningfully by any elites, and nothing got circulated broadly. Fox News spent real time on "calm down, no irregularities" reports from PA, FL, WI, NC; Limbaugh and Hannity
spent three hours on air each on radio stoking people's negative partisanship and focusing it on "go vote". Don Jr. and Eric Trump both came on Hannity or Limbaugh, all focused on getting out the vote, strong appeals to both positive and negative partisanship.
Some emphasis on Biden being incompetent and out of it. Fox News had plenty of partisanship, but where there were a couple of brief references to the voter fraud disinformation, these were on panels that included pushback.
Fox did quite a bit to socialize viewers to election results taking days or more to come in, and that results in the sun belt may be very surprising. We did see some action from Russia (RT) and fellow traveler ZeroHedge, but it never took off. Same for Breitbart. There was
one long YouTube video by an InfoWars correspondent claiming to expose a zoom call of antifa, BLM, to stage a coup in Washington DC, pushed by ZeroHedge. But engagements were moderate (~20K on FB).
The one area Fox News really pushed on is the concern over riots. DeSantis declared the National Guard would be on call; repeated images of boarded up shops; several monologues by commentators on this being a disgrace for American democracy. We'll see whether that becomes a big
theme over the next 24 hours. I hope I don't have to eat my words in retrospect. /end.
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