We’ve tested numerous methods and products to find what’s best to restore, clean, and season cast-iron cookware.

Just please don't let it go in the dishwasher or stay in a sinkful of water overnight, as it'll rust.

We verified earlier today that, yes, pressure washers are still indeed maximally soothing. https://www.nytimes.com/wirecutter/reviews/best-pressure-washer/
If a bag breaks inside your trash can, or something slips into the can outside the bag, you need to:

•Rinse it out

•Spray it w/ a vinegar-, bleach-, or enzyme-based cleaner

•Scrub it out w/ a brush & let it dry before lining it w/ a new bag https://www.nytimes.com/wirecutter/reviews/best-trash-can/#care-and-maintenance
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