Thoughts on the virtual classroom from an ADHD perspective: I have taken stimulant medication for ADHD for 13 years, because I cannot function without it, and because without it, I get excruciating and debilitating migraines. Normally, I cannot sit still through a lecture,
problem set, or journal article without medication, unless I am severely multitasking. I cannot sit through a film or TV with medication (and to get through it, I still usually need to multitask). I woke up with intense stomach pain this morning and was unable to take my
medication because I was unable to eat. By the time my seminar rolled around, I was severely multitasking. And... I felt engaged with this particular online seminar for the first time this semester, sans medication, and in the midst of ten distinct cooking and cleaning projects.
Maybe I’ve been making a mistake in trying to treat a virtual seminar as something like the equivalent of an in-person seminar. Because my brain seems to think it’s a lot more like watching a youtube video.
I have no immediate insight into how to integrate this experimental result into my life as both a learner and a teacher just yet, because I feel vaguely ill and like I haven’t quite woken up yet still. But I’m intrigued.
Other than: my goal for the spring semester should not be to replicate a good classroom experience in youtube uploads, but just to be a good youtuber and deliver good (youtube) content on the subject of the course.
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