Ok, it’s a big day today & it’s understandable that many folk will want some distraction. Also, I’ve got a lot of new followers who weren’t here for the genesis of #Abla & #TinyTim’s love affair, and why #MaxiMoo is such a sweetheart - so I’ll sum up in this thread...
Once upon a time, a little lamb was born, who couldn’t use his legs, but from the second I saw him, he was a strong feeder & loved his bottle. We named him Clem after Shayne’s brother-in-law, who shared those traits. After much TLC & a few days, little Clem’s legs came good.
Just over a week later, I found this little fell in the paddock, after fearing he’d been taken by a fox during the night. He was tiny, weak & unable to feed from his mum. Welcome to the fold, #TinyTim.
#TinyTim & Clem were soon inseparable & pretty much took over the household
Just as #TinyTim was thinking he’d conquered the household, he got a little surprise - #Abla arrived. Her job was to become a livestock guardian & she needed to bond with a couple of lambs as a part of her training. Guess who?
It wasn’t long before #Abla was smitten with #TinyTim & Clem
As they continued to grow, so too did the bond between #Abla, #TinyTim & Clem & they wete soon allowed out of their little bonding yard to explore the farm
Although #Abla lovedvthem both, she had a special bond with #TinyTim from the start
Does #Abla think she’s a sheep or does #TinyTim think he’s a dog are two questions I’m often asked. A bit of both, I’d say.
Sadly, #ClemRIP died suddenly at about 6 months of age, leaving #Abla & #TinyTim to mend each other’s broken hearts (& ours 😢)
Which brings us to #MaxiMoo. Moo was the firstborn lamb of a previous pet, #Minnie. Because he was already accustomed to us, he stepped right into #ClemRIP’s shoes & became #TinyTim’s new buddy. He was born 10 days after Tim but was a giant lamb, hence the name Maxi.
While #TinyTim’s real mum continued to completely ignore him, #Minnie took over the reins, teaching Tim sheepy behaviour, like clamouring for sheep nuts, pats & attention whenever we go into the paddock
Meanwhile, #Abla & #TinyTim couldn’t get enough of each other, with this kind of scene common most mornings.
Another highlight of #Abla & #TinyTim’s days are their headbutting competitions. Tim might only be tiny, but he’s got the moves & knocked Abs off her feet a few times...
Despite their rough play, #Abla & #TinyTim love each other more than anything else in the world
Oh, well maybe #Abla loves me more 🤷🏻‍♀️ But I’m happy to share with Tim 🥰
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