Throughout election day, right-wing influencers and outlets have amplified content purporting to show widespread irregularities at polling stations in Pennsylvania. More detailed analysis here: 1/6
One video, showing a poll worker being wrongfully barred from entering a polling center in Philadelphia, was posted on twitter at 6:19 AM, currently has over 300 million impressions on Twitter alone. 2/6
Amplification of these stories started with lesser-known accounts, but were quickly picked up by mainstream right-wing influencers including Steve Bannon, James Woods, and Donald Trump Jr. 3/6
The narrative was eventually amplified by NAEBC, an asset that is suspected of ties to the Russian IRA that poses as a far-right American outlet. 4/ 6
In addition to general allegations of fraud, these posts have also used to drive calls for violence. Concerningly, many commenters across platforms linked with these narratives have begun to allude to civil unrest, with an emphasis on gun violence against Democrats. 5/6
Issues with lines, ballot submission, and poll watcher verification are not unique to Pennsylvania and will likely continue to be reported given the number of active polling stations and voters mobilizing throughout the day. 6/6
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