Cats are Democrats. Dogs are Republicans.
Dogs: Pretend to be wolves, but are actually slavishly devoted to their masters and totally dependent on handouts.

Cats: Brings you food because it thinks you're a shitty hunter. Grooms you if it senses you're upset. Purring has ability to boost immune system
Dogs: Will fight you for a manger.

Cats: Will jump off bed if it sees you coming to give you a warm place to lie down.
Dogs: Eat cat shit.

Cats: Don't.

That's not a Dog/Cat thing, just a thing.
Dogs: Have to be coddled or they'll shit all over.

Cats: Will use a community-provided box responsibly.
Dogs: Pander shamelessly

Cats: You have to earn their respect.
Cats pitch in for the good of the community. They eliminate vermin from the home.

Cats always seek the high ground.

Cats try to speak your language (this is true: cats don't meow naturally, they do it because it sounds like talking to them)
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