Lately my Social Media Timelines have been filled with images of LOVE as in happy couples of all kinds.
Finally the collective consciousness took love out of the box and allowed it to radiate as a rainbow. Right now the rules of who we can love is being rewritten, history is being made.
Because of fear, we as humans gave things lables so it can make sense to us. So it can fit into a box:
How dare we forget those who colour outside the lines, those who exist in the in between?
Mixed raced
The old world died and the collective human consciousness evolved, those who loved in the shadows, can now love freely whomever they want to love.
You may ask me, who are you? I am not one thing, I'm a complex human being, always evolving, still becoming.   I am Love at the core of my essence.
So to the couples in the arena that are colouring outside the lines and celebrating love unapologetically. I'll cheer you on until I can join ya'll, I meant to say, until we can join ya'll and add our love vibrations to a new earth.
Love is always conquering doubt, fear and hate.

Love always win.

You can follow @BillyArendsZA.
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