A term for #ElectionNight : "Dummymander" - a gerrymander that fails because of demographic or political changes (or both) not expected by the mapdrawer, something we're likely to see a fair bit of tonight in places like Texas. #txlege #fairmaps #Election2020
To be clear, this decade's TX gerrymander was pretty durable, successfully locking out Ds for most of the decade after 2011. But Texas is growing so fast & becoming more diverse so fast, it started failing in 2018. #txlege #fairmaps #Election2020
In the TX House, Rs drew a map to try to lock in a supermajority of 101 seats, which required spreading R voters among a lot of districts. Now, there's a good chance they will lose control of the chamber as a result of demographic & political shifts. #txlege #Election2020
On the congressional side, the big Texas gerrymander was to split Austin into six districts - and as heavily Democratic Austin has grown, that‘s meant a lot of the districts that touch it are suddenly competitive. #txlege #Election2020
In retrospect, creating an Austin-anchored district like Ds wanted would have been a better R move from the perspective of 2020. #txlege #Election2020
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