To everyone who got annoyed with me about the poppies thing.
My tweet obviously implied poppies are a worthy cause.
Watch this... and calm down.
Let's break it down
Jeremy was just playing devil's advocate with his top line but I'll correct it anyway: The poppy is different because it's something we all share.
Racial inequality hurts all races. The tensions in society harm the society. We all share a need for equality.
I say that if poppies can be treated as an moral absolute which therefore cannot be questioned, then so can equality.
Carole says poppies are not a moral absolute (i.e. can be criticised).
Then she almost immediately condemns me on the belief that I had criticised poppies.
Carole says poppies aren't political.
Then says that they've been made political by people she doesn't agree with.
Then a few minutes later we got a call from someone in Ireland who refuses to wear poppies after what British veterans did on his island..
But it's not political.
Me: It's the principle that black lives matter.
Carole: But there isn't anyone who disagrees that black lives matter.
Me: *Starts naming people who don't care about black lives*
Carole: Look, we don't have time for you to name ALL the people who think black lives don't matter.
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