Boom! New client.

Closed the sale.

Adding a client was my biggest goal for November.

It’s day 3, and we’ve already checked that box.

To be honest, I was a little sloppy on the call.

Let’s talk about it.

To catch you up…

Remember, I already conversed with her on LinkedIn.

She knew who I was.

She knew my price.

At this point, it was a matter of fit.

Here’s how it began…
I asked her to talk about her company.

It’s a cool company (they were on Shark Tank)

They’re doing *some* with email, but not much.


I don’t have to build it from the ground up…

But there’s TONS of room for improvement.
She says they have a fantastic design team and really only want mapping and copy.

Pretty much ideal.

I can push the buttons in Klaviyo, but it’s more time consuming.

As she spoke, it was hard to keep my mouth shut (I was PUMPED).

And this is where I got a little sloppy…
2 ways I was sloppy :

1 - I spoke too fast.

This is a dead-simple project. And I got a million ideas during the conversation.

Instead of speaking slowly and assuredly, I spoke like a 5th grader hopped up on sugar.

She didn’t seem to notice or mind, but I did.
2 - Definitely could have gotten even *more* money out of it.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s good money.

But she basically offered to pay me more, and my “nice guy” came out.

This is something I have to work on...valuing my time better.

But, it’s a good start.
Here’s a bullet-point list of a couple phrases I said that I think sealed the deal…

When asked if that’s the kind of thing I do…

“That’s *exactly* what I do. I can do this work in my sleep.”

When asked what it’s like to work with me…

“I’m hyper communicative. You’ll always know what I’m working on, and when you’ll have it by.

I only work with a few select clients at a time so I can deliver high-quality campaigns at

breakneck speed.”

At one point, I told her that I’m selective about who I work with.

She then asked, “why did you choose us?”

Now, I’m showing her that I’m vetting them as well.

It’s a 2-way street, and they have to check some boxes before they get to work with me.

I’m not desperate.
Okay, that’s enough secrets for today.

If you read this and you want to know HOW I found this client and got on the phone with her in the first place…

Drop a comment.

Otherwise, I’ll keep that to myself.

Off to write some emails and find more clients.
You can follow @thesimplestud.
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