Since @JMilesColeman RT'd this, I've had some people ask for a thread to explain myself. So here goes. Said teenager is me(I am still only 19), and this occurred back in late June.
Quick disclaimer of course that I am and always will be, a rather strong conservative Republican. My complaint is not with the state party(mostly) or my local county party. Rather it is with the Trump campaign in Pennsylvania.
I made it my mission to get more involved this summer, doing the phones and knocking doors. This included not just the Presidential campaign, but also congressional and down ballot races I saw as important. I did phone bank pre-primary and called nearly 2k phones in a week.
After the primary is when I started having concerns. I did apply to be a volunteer in my area and went out soon. This is when my greatest concern started popping up. You see, what the PA GOPs greatest strength has always been is allowing local people run the area's campaign.
A big problem is that the Trump campaign had taken over the entire state campaign. Everything ran through them. This included the people running area campaigns. Lancaster had someone from Allegheny run theirs, and it didn't seem to make sense.
Eventually, I got a call from someone within the PA Trump campaign offering me a job that I called back about in Mid-June. What I did not know was that the offered job was to run turnout for the entire Northern part of the County.
Considering I have a LinkedIn account, a quick search would have told them that I was not qualified, yet that didn't happen. That was alarm bell 1. Alarm bell 2 was the anti-Biden protest in Lancaster in late June.
Instead of mobilizing people to door knock, the Trump people instead used 35 people to hold signs outside of a small Biden event. At that point I decided to stop doing anything for the Trump campaign in PA and instead focused on promoting great down ballot candidates.
A loss in PA will be squarely on the Trump team, who has probably put people in positions that aren't experienced and put people from different parts of the state in other areas that they aren't knowledgeable about. Rant over, GOP, let's flip the Governor's office in 2022.
You can follow @JosephSzymanski.
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