1) If you haven't yet, get out today and cast your vote. Vote for Biden. It is the only meaningful vote against Trump. This year that is necessary because TRUMP IS A FASCIST barreling humanity closer and closer to the point of no return.
2) When you are done, recognize the truth that Bob Avakian has been stressing:

Voting is not enough! We need to take to the streets and stay in the streets demanding TRUMP/PENCE OUT NOW!
3) It is up to the people of this country to refuse to allow Trump to steal the election (he has already begun this -- it's been going on for weeks) and to insist that he get the hell out!

White Supremacy,
Theocracy, and

are NEVER legitimate!
4) We have power when we take to the streets. We can change the terms in society, bring people hope and strength, and drive out a fascist regime.

We must be nonviolent, but determined.
Courageous, and there for each other when we need inevitably get scared at times.
5) We must be the OPPOSITE of everything Trump & MAGA thugs are.

We have right on our side.
We have truth on our side.
We have the interests of billions on our side.

All they have is terror & violence. It works, until it doesn't.

We must overwhelm them w our refusal to comply.
7) And write below, if you are moved to, with your greatest hopes and fears for this moment. And with what you intend to do to ensure that our hopes triumph over our fears and that we rid the world of this fascist regime.
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