1/11 I think that the most important piece of research since 2017 about putting #type2diabetes into remission was published today in @BMJNutrition

The results are simply astonishing 😲

A twitter thread.... #MedTwitter #LCHF

Here's the paper👇

2/11 The study is by @lowcarbGP @jen_unwin + others and looks at reversing T2DM and pre-diabetes by lifestyle change, in particular by ⬇️sugar and starchy carbs
3/11 The study builds on the work of Prof Roy Taylor's DiRECT Study which found that *severe* calorie restriction could put T2DM into remission👍
More info here 👇

This was great news but SO many people find calorie restriction IMPOSSIBLE TO SUSTAIN 🤔🤷‍♂️
4/11 The study:

Carried out in "real-world primary care" in a *normal* #NHS GP surgery in 🇬🇧
128 people with T2DM and 71 with pre-diabetes volunteered to try a lower carbohydrate diet for an average of 23 months #LCHF
Some have been on it for 6 years (and counting !)
5/11 People were supported with normal 10 min GP appointments + some group consultations

A simple information sheet with basic advice on reducing carbs was given out

You can download it here 👇

In people with T2DM:

46% achieved drug-free remission of their diabetes. WOW!!
Ave ⬇️ in HbA1c was 17.5mmol/mol 👏👍

93% of those with pre-diabetes achieved remission 😲

But that's not all....

- Average BP ⬇️11/5mmHg so some BP meds could be stopped👍
- Improvements in total and LDL cholesterol 👍
- ⬇️ triglycerides 👍
- Average weight ⬇️ 8.3kg 👍

BUT weight ⬇️ correlated poorly with improvements in diabetes control 🤔
9/11 Of course, many medications for diabetes and BP could be stopped meaning that Norwood Surgery saves over £50k EACH YEAR on diabetes meds compared to local practices

Imagine how much money could be saved if practices across the🇬🇧and the 🌎did this 🤔🤑

10/11 Conclusions:

⬇️ing sugar + starchy carbs delivers a real possibility of:

- Reversing T2DM + pre-diabetes
- Improved BP and cholesterol
- An effective solution sustainable for years (unlike severe calorie reduction)

Benefits of ⬇️ing carbs are INDEPENDENT of weight loss
11/11 Declaration of interest

This surgery is my own practice, Norwood Surgery in Southport. I'm so proud of what we've achieved. It's been a huge pleasure + privilege to to be a small part of this research led by my inspirational friend, trail-blazer + mentor @lowcarbGP
You can follow @DocRunner1.
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