I am likely gonna bounce off of Twitter in an hour, because, well, you know. But I found myself thinking back to this day, four years ago. I was still a journalist—funny how the world can change—and I was prepping to conduct one of the most important interviews of my career.
If you've ever heard me talk about my time as a journalist, you've heard me say how much I hated doing interviews. I wasn't good enough at it to get past the transactional nature. The great ones make it feel like a conversation. Rarely did I achieve that state of grace.
(Also, I hate the sound of my voice, so transcribing my own interviews was like being in a dunk tank full of styrofoam and chalkboards.)
But I couldn't turn this one down. In fact, I campaigned to do it. I bogarted it like a fat kid claiming the last McNugget. Because, when the chance comes along to spend an hour with @Lin_Manuel, you take it.
He was doing the press rounds for Moana so Disney arranged for me to see the flick early. The screening was on Election Night. I figured, "The polling's strong for my candidate, so this'll be a decent way to disconnect. Take my mind off it all."
Needless to say, the world shifted drastically in the two hours I was in a darkened theater watching Moana. You were there. You remember.
A couple of days later, I sat down with Lin for the interview. (It went very well. i only fanboy'd out five or six times, but I kept my cool.) But I asked him about the feeling of writing the Moana music under Obama, but seeing it released at the beginning of Trump.
And I told him about my Election Night experience, about those two hours of jubilance while the world was sliding into the sarlacc pit. He said, "I think now is the perfect time to tell the story of a little brown girl who saves the world."
So, hey. Do whatever you have to do to survive the day. Seek your solace wherever you can. And then prepare to do whatever you must to survive what's to come.
You can follow @marcbernardin.
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