Allow me to clarify,

If a man has been so harmful and cruel that the thought of him winning has cities preparing for riots, does that sound like a man you want to vote for?
You tell yourselves that it’s because the Left is radical and can’t handle different opinions and that the Right is patriotic and what real America stands for. And honestly you’re right about one side. Because America has stood for oppression and racism since the day it was born.
But the truth is, the Left isn’t radical and the Right isn’t patriotic. The truth is, the Left is filled with people who are having their rights and happiness stripped away and the Right is filled with people who are thriving off their privilege with not a fear in the world.
So yes, go vote today. But don’t fool yourself into thinking there’s not a wrong choice in this election. I understand it’s your choice, but a vote for one side is a vote to see people you claim to love fear for their livelihoods every single day. Be on the right side.
The idea of “it doesn’t matter who’s gonna win either way” is a thought process that needs to be checked out the door. You either vote for change or you vote for another 4 years of lies and harm and anarchy. You don’t have to be a radical left to know that by now. Happy voting🇺🇸
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