THREAD: We’re going to post all of our videos this cycle on this thread for a final #RARecap, for anyone and everyone. Here was our first video, titled chokeholds, detailing Trumps reckless language around police violence
#RARecap Our 2nd Video, “The Risk” detailed how, despite the presidents full understanding of the risks presented by the virus, as well as a clear understanding of how to prevent those risks, he chose not to. Why? We don’t know. But 225k+ are dead now.
#RARecap Our 3rd video, “the threat” detailed yet again how the president ignored risks he knew about, particularly around testing. Hundreds of thousands are now dead because of his negligence.
#RARecap our 4th video was short, too the point “too good a job” showed the president and his team talking about how they’ve done too good of a job with the virus. 225k dead, disproportionate deaths compared to other countries. They are shameful people.
#RARecap Our 5th video was put together entirely by Joseph Gallina, dear friend and founder of @CalltoActivism. He literally put this together in iMovie. He’s a star. Follow @CalltoActivism, they’re great.
#RARecap Our 6th video, and one of the ones we felt was really important, “enemy of the people” details the danger of trumps attacks on the free press, and how he’s leading us towards the path to autocracy.
#RARecap our 7th video, and a personal favorite, “Saudi Trump” pointed out the truth: Trump is Saudi Arabia’s bitch. #SaudiTrump
Our 8th video “Reckless Trump” detailed Trumps reckless language playing down the virus. This was almost entirely put together by Joe Gallina @CalltoActivism
#RARecap our next video “Flunk Trump” showed how trump and his cronies wanted to ignore the science and prematurely send our kids into danger. It was marked as sensitive content on twitter, and we released it twice. Marked sensitive both times.
#RARecap. Our next video was “dictator trump” our most viewed video. We released this 3x. Our first attempt was marked as sensitive, but still received 1m views. This is the full cut.
#RARecap here is our TV cut of Dictator Trump.
#RARecap our next video was “end the nightmare in Portland, detailing trumps militarization of police and security forces in Portland #EndTheNightmare
#RARecap our next video was Gestapo Trump. Our first version was accidentally deleted after it got 1m views. We re-released and it got another 4+m on twitter. Over 1m on other platforms too. One of our best.
#RARecap next video short and simple: trumps an idiot. We can’t find it on twitter right now but here’s the YouTube link:
#RARecap our next video called “lying trump” showed some of the many promises trump failed to keep. He promised everything and delivered nothing.
#RARecap our next video “she got it right” was of @RepJayapal grilling Bill Barr. She is truly amazing.
#RARecap our next video was titled “trump hates science” because he does.
#RARecap our next video was titled “GOP scam” because Republicans are trying to steal our social security and it’s a scam.
#RARecap our next video was titled “Protect Our Votes” because the GOP has turned into a lawless group of authoritarians trying to turn us back a century.
#RARecap our next video was title “biblical idiot” because he is one and pretends to be a religious person. He’s a disgraceful human.
#RARecap our next video was titled “progressives for Biden” because real progressives are in fact for Joe Biden.
#RARecap here’s a second version of “progressives for Biden” we cut.
#RARecap our next video was titled “Trump Kills USPS” and detailed how Trump and Louis Dejoy have done their best to sabotage the post office because they are criminals and should both be in jail.
#RARecap our next video was titled “rescue our votes” and detailed how mail in voting works and that’s why they were trying to mess with it. Disgraceful. Can’t find it on twitter but here’s the YouTube link.
#RARecap our next video was titled “Republican confessions” and was a spin on the 1964 ad by LBJ confessions of a Republican.
#RARecap our next video was titled “rigger in chief” because the president is a crook who tried to steal our votes. He’s not going to be successful because we are getting out to #vote
#RARecap our next video was titled “trump swamped america” and just covered how despite promising to drain the swamp he is the most corrupt president in history.
#RARecap our next video was titled “not their children” and detailed how Betsy Devos and trump are fine putting your kids at risk, just not theirs. H/t to @markaprovost for jumping in to write this one.
#RARecap our next video was titled “trump hires the best” and showed how trump brags about all the best people he hires, and then everything all those best people have to say about him (that he’s trash)
#RARecap our next video was titled “polluter in chief” and detailed how trump is the enemy of organized life on earth and is the worst president on the environment in history.
#RARecap our next video was titled “trump talks Trump” and showed how the trump family projects their own crimes onto their political opponents.
#RARecap our next video was “Tucker Dunks Trump” which basically shows that everything Fox News does is a gross projection of trumps crimes onto others, but especially @TuckerCarlson.
#RARecap here’s the TV cut of Tucker Dunks Trump
#RARecap our next video was “in trumps America” and just revealed how unreal it is that trump and pence were claiming everything happening under their watch was Bidens fault.
#RARecap our next video was called “violent trump” and exposed how Trump’s own words were the cause of massive upticks in violence across America.
#RARecap here’s the tv cut for violent Trump.
#RARecap our next video was called “Trump Hates Our Troops” because he does.
#RARecap our next video was titled “trump doesn’t care” and detailed how he doesn’t care about our well being at all.
#RARecap “Trump hid the truth”
#RARecap trump wants to infect us
#RARecap No New Justices hypocrisy
#RARecap Conspiracy Trump has mainstreamed conspiracy theories, creating a more dangerous country for everyone.
#RARecap “listen to Bernie” because he’s right about supporting Joe being the only way we preserve all our progress.
You can follow @ReallyAmerican1.
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