Let me teach you something about marriage PT.II

I’m glad my marriage survived the lockdown

This is what my friend said before listing relationships that ended in 2020.

No way..So & so..Really?

I couldn’t believe how many people divorced/separated during the lockdown.

Marriages should be marked
fragile—handle with care. It’s an environment where small things escalate; little arguments cling onto the roots of bigger problems. Disputes over mixing the white shirts and red curtains are warnings about a lack of communication.

Comments that you STILL haven’t fixed the leaking dishwasher are reminders of rescheduled dates and cancelled plans.

In the institution of marriage; it’s the little fires that eventually cause the house to burn down. It’s the smoke that suffocates people to death.

My marriage broke down,” says the reality TV star.

“My marriage broke down,” says the YouTuber

Do marriages break down?

Breaking down implies it was rolling along smoothly then one day just spluttered to halt with no warning or indication that the meter was running low.

Marriages don't randomly come crashing down to the earth spraying dangerous chunks of regret or loss—some marriages do.

However, most relationships don’t break down; they crumble. Starting with tiny dust particles of things we pretend we don’t mind or ignore.

Issues that grow to splinter and crack at the foundation of a relationship until it is no longer strong enough to support the marriage—and family.

Most couples ignore the cracks, or they don't see them. The trials and splinters in a marriage hide between the DISTRACTIONS.

Work distracts us. Commuting distracts us. Bills distract us. Friends distract us. Kids distract us.

We get complacent with a kiss before work, a peck between the school runs.
I’m too tired to have sex.
I been at work all day can we discuss this later.

Then the cycle repeats.
Even relaxing is a distraction. Who wants to do marriage therapy on their day off?
During the lockdown, the distractions had to go on furlough.

Couples had to address the issues that had hidden behind distractions for the last
few years—some people didn’t like what they saw.
Many couples did not survive the national lockdown.

Once the distractions were gone, they realised that the love had also taken a leave of absence.

2020 didn't come to play.

What is the perfect marriage?

The internet ain’t ready for the answer to that question.

On the timeline you keep scrolling until you decide what reality is & then press like. Emojis shaped like hearts that let you feed yourself with sweet things with no risk of heart diseases
I’m not mad; keep scrolling

However, a good marriage is one that accepts it’s imperfections. It doesn’t run from the flaws.

Doctors doesn’t prescribe hope to their patients.

An olympian doesn’t need to like training, but nothing beats the feeling of stepping on to the podium.
A healthy body needs regular exercise, a good diet and adequate sleep. What does a marriage need?
What my marriage needs are different from what yours needs.

The internet will not save your marriage. Let Cardi live in peace. Let Beyonce make as many lemonades as she needs to.
Usher confessed, and you lot let him slide. This thread has no idea what is going on in your
relationship—but you should.

You can only fix something when you know where it is breaking.

Lockdown helped my marriage. There were fights, but there was also time to make up. Resolutions couldn’t be interrupted by phone calls or reasons why you will deal with the issue after the next email.

Lockdown hurt and healed our love.

Divorce is permissible. It does not mean you are a failure or you gave up. Don’t let the internet judge you. It’s better to live in peace than to struggle in regret. Sometimes people are seasons. Sometimes people are not meant to be together and that is life.

Sometimes people are meant to work to stay together and that is also life.

Sometimes I kiss my wife’s stretch marks, and she tells me they are ugly. I remind her that those stretch marks are evidence of the sacrifice her body made to bring our son into our world. They will always be beautiful to me.

Scars are beautiful, because they remind us that pain is not permanent, that we made it through and we still have all this joy to show for them.
*ps: no wedding rings were harmed in the making of this thread 😅
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