I wasn’t planning to disclose who I voted for because I think civic duty isn’t something that should draw attention to oneself, but after several suggestions from followers that I voted for Trump, let me clear things up: I voted for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris
I believe in economic conservatism, I’m against voluntary abortion, I think big government is generally ineffective, and I believe in a strong military. These values would suggest a vote for the right’s candidate but just as I did not in 2016, I cannot now.
America’s founders believed in self-rule with checks and balances. Trump has frequently overreached his executive power and office, the GOP has continually abused the rule of law, and both have abandoned the values they claim to value in order to obtain and maintain power.
Trump has unequivocally been the most corrupt and incompetent president in the history of this great nation. Hundreds of thousands of Americans have lost their lives as a result of his negligence and arrogance. Our nation’s decades-long reputation has been immeasurably tarnished.
The hypocrisy and moral bankruptcy of republican leaders is shameful and their actions couldn’t be further from the Christ they claim to revere.

“This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me” - Matt 15:8
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