2. As of 2023, Georgia just won't have an exchange anymore. No http://HealthCare.gov , but also no state-run exchange. Instead, they'll just use existing web brokers, brokers/agents, & insurers to enroll people.
3. The waiver approval notes that commissions are 22% higher for short-term plans vs. ACA-compliant plans, but brushes this off as a non-issue.
There will also be no incentive for these enrollment entities to help people who qualify for Medicaid/CHIP.
4. Nearly all of the public comments about this proposal expressed opposition, but CMS approved it anyway.
All in all, this will amount to a subtraction: Georgia residents will no longer have http://HealthCare.gov  as of 2023, but they also won't get anything new to replace it.
5. Although the election is understandably overshadowing everything else this week, plenty of folks are paying attention to what Georgia is doing. Here's more from @hannah_recht https://twitter.com/hannah_recht/status/1323646833177071616
And Katie Keith: https://www.healthaffairs.org/do/10.1377/hblog20201102.488/full/
6. And a good thread from @larry_levitt https://twitter.com/larry_levitt/status/1323040988823052289
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