Hi I'd like to buy two bottles of your beer made on the premises near where I live.

I'm sorry sir, could you please step outside and use your mobile device to preorder it for click and collect.
*fills trolley with multinational owned brands in a multinational owned supermarket

That'll do nicely sir.
This isn't a victory for drinkers.

This is the bare minimum they can get away with.
We shouldn't be celebrating this as a victory.

We should be asking why we're still being shafted

Why can supermarkets be held to a lower level than pubs?

Why are the restrictions on the sale of alcohol not universal?
Yeah, I've not stepped back.

I don't see why we can't sell alcohol in the same way that supermarkets can.

Pubs have been much safer places to drink.

Pubs have stepped in to provide where the government have failed.

But pubs are still screwed.
We've not won. We've been handed the scraps, and made to feel like we should be grateful.

Well sorry, but fuck that.

I will not give gratitude where it's not deserved.

Give licensed premises the same rights across the board. Or justify why you can't.
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