I’ve written/rewritten this post too many times. So here goes. If you’re an evangelical or post-evangelical who has waited to vote because you have a pit in your stomach about voting for Trump, but you can’t silence voices in your head telling you it’s wrong to vote pro-choice…
You CAN hold the values you do and also vote pro-choice. And you don’t have to answer every single lingering question or hesitation you have. You’ve been programmed to believe there’s no other option for you but to vote Republican, even if you find the R candidate reprehensible.
I know, because I was programmed to believe I had no option, too. The first time I voted for a pro-choice candidate, I was terrified of the shame I might feel. But I knew it was 100% the right thing for me to do. And on the other side? Instead of shame, freedom. Then...
I experienced a new openness to learning about and understanding women’s rights, women’s stories, and the facts about abortion that had been hidden from me by those who needed me to vote their way for years. I guess you could say a grew in both love and faith.
So as you head to your polling place today, please consider honoring the pit in your stomach. Breathe and give space to what your body and intuition are telling you. Vote your actual conscience, in faith believing that you can trust your heart, not the voices in your head.
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