I’d like to tell you a bit about the people who built @RVAT2020. Sure, you know about the big dogs @TimoDC, @BillKristol, and @MurphyMike. But behind the scenes there is the hard-working, deeply committed team at Longwell Partners who assembled this project block by block. 1/12:
@barrubin: Barry makes sick videos. He shoots and cuts on a dime. He’ll go anywhere. Is there a viral CSPAN clip from 20 years ago highlighting a current Senator’s hypocrisy? He probably found it. Barry is OG in my life, and there’s no way this project happens without him. 2/12
@Chrisgherbert: Data nerds point out how well-targeted and nimble our digital spending is. That’s Chris. The good news for donors is that he won’t spend a dime unless he thinks it’s maximally effective. This is annoying for me when I just want to blow something up for fun. 3/12
@carsonputnam: It’s possible we made it look easy, it’s possible it looks as hard as it was, but @RVAT2020 is an ambitious project to execute. Thousands of video submissions, huge lists, lots of small dollar donor and volunteer contacts. Carson managed it. A real captain. 4/12
@leistermsays: You might have noticed that @RVAT2020 broke a fair amount of news this cycle with the release of videos from former Trump administration officials. @OliviaTroye and @NeuSummits are everywhere. That’s Meaghan’s department, and she crushes it every day. 5/12
@pennbarker: Every team needs the smart guy. The one who knows all the random stuff. Who can figure anything out. Who will give you the thing you asked for that should take 4 hours in 20 minutes. The guy who makes everyone else look smarter too. That’s Ben. And we love him. 6/12
Priya: Anyone who hires people knows that every now and then you hit the jackpot and hire someone to do a job and then it turns out they can do three other jobs as well. And they’re delightful to boot. Our whole office will tell you, Priya is the jackpot and then some. 7/12
@connormetz11: Earlier this year Connor was working in Susan Collins’ office. He wrote us a letter telling us why he wanted to come work with us. I hired him over the phone. Ran the RVAT Twitter channel like a champ. Showed our contributors the love they deserved. 8/12
Parker: Every team needs the slight contrarian. The one who checks all the angles. The person who always asks, “But could it be…” or “Maybe it’s just that...” or “Have we thought about…” That’s our Parker. 9/12
And then there are the interns: @Kassie_Rimmel, @jconway358, and @AnsleySkipper. Kassie and JJ are @KenyonCollege Softball/Baseball players, therefore perfect in my eyes. Ansley will rule us all one day. They all have standing offers for future employment. 10/12
Last but not least is Patrick, our accountant/compliance guy. His life has truly sucked the last few months (so many FEC filings!) and he had a newborn to boot (which of course is wonderful, but hard!). A top-shelf bean counter if I’ve ever seen one. 11/12
Anyway, that’s your @RVAT2020 team (among many other indispensable consultants). The greatest group of hooligans ever assembled. I love them one and all. Win or lose I couldn’t be prouder of what they’ve accomplished in 2020. 12/12
NOTE: I messed up two of the tags. Barry Rubin is @barubin. And Kassie Rimel @Kassie_Rimel.
You can follow @SarahLongwell25.
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