American Evangelicalism has had a significant impact on the lives of Millennials and Zoomers.

Where “church” has been a place of refuge and hope for previous generations, Millennials and Zoomers are experiencing attachment injury in relationship to the church.
How did we get to a place where a person seeking hope and refuge in a church relationship could walk away feeling unsafe and unloved?
When will American Evangelicals realize that our quiet collusion with those vying for power has only served to push more people to the margins?
When will we (American Evangelicals) summon the humility — a wholeness of our Christian identity — to take responsibility for our dismissiveness in the face of injustice, our bait-and-switch attractionalism, and our unconcern for the flourishing of anyone beyond our walls?
The responsibility does not lay with Millennials and Zoomers to return to the church; it is our responsibility to win their hearts through a congruent witness.

Which means that some of us need to name evil, give up our power, or walk away.
Stop pretending you walk with the wounded while you’re providing cover for the enemy.

“But I’m gonna stick it out and be part of the change.”

Yep, keep dreaming.
If that system won’t allow you to name evil today, one of two things are in your future:
1) You will one day become fully complicit with evil.
2) You’re delaying the day you get chewed up and spit out.
Let’s be builders and repairers (Isaiah 58:12 CEV), not through our displays of might, but as those who pour ourselves out to become hope and refuge for our children and grandchildren are searching.
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