4 years ago today, 6 of us sparked a MUCH NEEDED conversation on UA’s campus. We proposed multiple options to show awareness of police brutality and ill-treatment of black and brown people all over the US. Our opinions were unwanted and detested by so many. Fast forward 4 years
later, and the same conversation is happening 100x over again. however, that same campus has accepted and supported many student athletes who voiced their opinions of oppression in Amerikkka. I say that to say... Today is an important day in all of our lives. The decisions you
make today will have an effect on your life for the next 4yrs. We are in unprecedented times and it’s up to EVERYONE to exploit the bigotry, racism, fascism, and incompetence in the WH. It’s time for him to go. VOTE ‼️VOTE ‼️VOTE‼️
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