Whilst many of you follow me for my daft doodles, that's my side line.

What I actually do to pay the bills is CGI and Architectural Visualisation. And I'm quiet.

If any of you know anyone in that market. Here's a thread from me:

RT's and tags appreciated.
We're always quick to share our successes on platforms like this. I always see lots of business posts with an undertone of: 'we're doing brilliantly so you should work with us'

So here's a different angle...
I work on a freelance basis providing CGI to architects, developers and property marketers. As a freelancer, I fall through the cracks of the furlough and support schemes currently designed to help businesses cope with what's going off.
A couple of long standing clients are quiet and as a result my order book is blank. The wolves aren't at the door yet but they've got their sat nav set my way.
I'm not so proud that I'll not seek an alternate means of income if it comes to it but I've been doing this for 15 years now and spent the last 4 of those building my own modest little business. I'd like to think I'm half decent at what I do.
I don't wish to become a victim of circumstance now that the wheels have fallen off the world.

So, if you're in the market for CGI or Architectural Visualisation or can offer a bit of architectural work then let's talk.

Here is my website: http://www.oneeight.uk 
...and here is some of my work
And cc @tobyperkinsmp into this thread as I've just seen he's been banging the drum in parliament today for people like me.

We've been hung out to dry.
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