1/ Our CEO, Anton Boegman, is speaking to the federal House of Commons procedure & house affairs committee this morning via https://www.ourcommons.ca/Committees/en/PROC. Here are a few of the lessons he will share re voting by mail & voting during a pandemic: #cdnpoli #bcpoli
2/ Everything associated with election administration in a pandemic is challenging - from finding office space & voting places, to recruiting & training election officials, to implementing voting processes - many of which need to be re-engineered.
3/ Maintaining accessibility & electoral integrity, while ensuring safety for voters, staff & political participants, is essential & made significantly more challenging due to #COVID19.
4/ Early & ongoing consultation with public health experts, our ability to vary from legislation in response to extraordinary circumstances & access to necessary funding were critical for a successfully administered pandemic election.
5/ To ensure accessibility & safety, we significantly scaled up vote-by-mail, hired & trained community members to administer voting within their communities, used mobile voting teams with full protective equipment & expanded assisted telephone voting.
6/ We worked with the Provincial Health Officer, WorkSafe BC & Regional Health Authorities to develop safe electoral office & voting place plans, & emphasized implementation & monitoring.
7/ We passed several WorkSafeBC audits & there were no #COVID19 exposure events at voting places during the campaign period.
8/ During the campaign period, we received and fulfilled over 720,000 requests for vote by mail packages, which was an increase of over 7,200% over the last provincial election in BC in 2017.
You can follow @ElectionsBC.
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