Why I didn't for @realDonaldTrump

A thread
1. The 2016 election was exciting mainly because it seemed like True Conservatism was being replaced with something called "National Populism." Now, we know better
2. In the 2016 election, Trump self-financed his campaign and ran on being free of the donor class. After he won the election, he sold out to them and delivered their agenda including stupid things like criminal justice reform
3. In the 2016 campaign, it seemed like Trump was challenging political correctness. He was breaking taboos and saying things that were unsayable. In office, however, political correctness intensified into militant wokeness with zero pushback
4. It is difficult to exaggerate how much the 2020 campaign sucked. The Platinum Plan for blacks? Trump Pride? The American Dream Plan for Hispanics? BLEXIT and Jexodus?
5. We lost the Mississippi State Flag and hundreds of monuments. Mobs were allowed to run wild and do whatever they wanted. Even in states with heritage protection laws, the GOP simply cowered in fear
6. After running on "Law and Order," Trump and the GOP allowed law and order to collapse. Antifa and BLM soared in the Trump era. The DOJ prosecuted our people like Jack Corbin and turned a blind eye to leftwing violence
7. Donald Trump and the GOP spent their political capital on tax cuts and deregulation for Big Tech which sent their stock soaring and made them a fortune and did nothing about the censorship of their own supporters
8. The Supreme Court rulings on abortion and transgenderism this summer proved to me that "conservative judges" simply means pro-business judges. After failing to conserve the unborn and the definition of marriage, they failed to conserve the concept of two genders
9. Trump has an unparalleled talent for endorsing his enemies and nominating the worst people while destroying everyone around him like Jeff Sessions or Steve King who was an immigration hawk or a nationalist. He forced Tommy Tuberville on us in Alabama
10. Finally, the man is an incompetent narcissist and blowhard. He has no loyalty to anyone but himself and his family. He endorsed Mitt Romney and destroyed Jeff Sessions. There is no ideological core to the man. I have no idea what I would be voting for because it changes
This is like a Top Ten list. I didn't even mention the +230,000 people who died of COVID, Nelson Peltz and Steve Schwarzman telling him "to think of it as the flu," ingesting disinfectant, etc. What about issues like student loan debt? Don't even ask
It really comes down to this. What is the purpose of these people? What is their vision? What are they trying to accomplish? I honestly have no idea
"Conservatism" is Donald Trump, Charlie Kirk, Ric Grenell, Lady MAGA and Cernovich and Lil Pump/Pimp
"Owning the libs."

That's all there is to it
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