I feel most like a Scorpio by observing who and what astrologers become around US presidential elections. People really reveal their true selves, and I almost never forget. #Sigh
People will reveal their politics and bias. Will reveal their astrology (or lack of it). And their EGOS. People will act like they can't and haven't gotten anything wrong in their lives. It's enough to turn people off from astrology forever.
This is partly why I don't enter the contest, because if it were a fun and light endeavor, maybe I would. But folks act like it's Highlander 8 outchea. I watched astrologers get their predictions wrong in 2016 & folks steadily tried to crucify them.
Never mind that they had right predictions in 2004, 2008, 2012. They were wrong and thus bad astrologers. The other reason I don't play the game is I know my limits. I am biased usually. So, I know I'll make too much of a factor for my favored candidate.
Or I'll talk myself out of my conclusions if they're not favorable to my favored candidate. I don't have this problem with clients, fortunately.
So, I mostly lurk and collect data in my head. I thought @austral_taur analysis for the election was good. At this point, I'm more intrigued by method than outcome. That's important to learn as some methods, actually, don't consistently work.
You can't just rely on the charts of candidates. You often need a tertiary chart, like an inauguration chart, George Washington's inauguration chart, an ingress chart (or both), and/or a US chart.
But this is where I think it's important to have humility and recognize that it's okay to get it wrong. More important to know why and how you get wrong. But folks don't want to grant each other this measure grace. So, each election cycle, astrologers become a shit show.
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