president numer 1 had many doggos
foxhounds and coonhounds
names were sweetlips, scentwell, drunkard, tipsy, taster, tipler, vulcan
and greyhound named cornwallis

horsies samson, leonidas, traveller, magnolia, steady, nelson, blueskin
donkey named royal gift
also birb name snipe
numer 2 john adams had horsies named cleopatra and caesar
they were not the cleopatra and caesar that ruled rome and egypt
they were horsies named for those people

also very good mutt dogs named juno and mark and satan

that last one is a sort of scary name
thomas jefferson was numer 3
he had a horsie too
he had no dogsled or car
it was caractacus

also dogs named grizzle and bergère

his birb was named dick

and was first to have pet bears
he got from human named zebulon
they didn't like washington so he sent them to philadelphia
ok this is a short one so finally have space to say most information on this thread is from 

ok numer 4 was jeems madison
he did not have a doggo
he did not have a horsie
he did not have a kitty

but his wife dolley had a birb
a green parrot named polly
jeems monroe's teeniest daughter had a doggo
we know it was a smol black spaniel
we are not sure of the name but they think it was buddy

there is also some evidence that he maybe had a siberian husky named sebastian but that is not clear

bye bye little sebastian
john qyoo adams had very inteststing pets

he had silkwormies
first lady louisa used the silkwormie silk to spin silk in her silk spinner
i do not know their names tho

some people say he also had a pet alligator
this may just be a silly because there are different stories on it
ok we are up to numer 7 now
that is andrew jackson
he had many horsies
racing horsies named emily and lady nashville and bolivia and thruxton

also had horse named sam patch named after daredevil like evel knievel

like jeems madison he had a polly birb but this one swore a lot
numer 8 was martin van buren
he had a couple of kitties
orange tabbies
big orange tabbies
ok actually more like tiger cubs
actual tiger cubs
no for real he had tigers
they were a gift from sultan of oman

but congress said they were owned by usa not van buren and put them in zoo
ok numer 9 was william henry harrison
his name was longer than his time in office

he did not have doggos
but he had two very nice pet frens

one was sukey
a durham cow
this is not a picture of sukey just a cow like sukey

also had a very nice pet goat whose name i don't know
numer 10 was john tyler
he had a greyhound named le beau
canary birb named johnny ty
bought some wolfhounds for his wife but we don't know their names
but his favoritest of them all was his very good horse
named the general
this is what he wrote for the generals grave
numer 11 had no pets
it was jeems kay polk
he did like riding horsies a lot
and loved them very much
but did not own one or bring one to the white house
numer 12 had two horsies tho to make up for that
for zachary taylor
he was called old rough and ready

old whitey was the war horse he rode in war since he did not have a tank or a stealth fighter

apollo was a circus trick pony bought for his daughter betty
ok 13 was millard fillmore
he also had horsies

one was a pony named mason
one was a pony named dixon

one could only run north
one could only run south
that's how they got their names

ok i made that part up
although our fren grinch does look a little like a pony
franklin pierce was 14
he was first president to get trade with japan
they were so nice they sent him 7 doggos and 2 birbs as a gift
they were called sleeve dogs because they fit in sleeves and look like this

some doggos went to live with some of his frens

yay japan
yay dogs
jeems buchanan was the 4th jeems and 15th president
he had birbs
big birbs
2 bald eagle birbs

also a terrier doggo named punch
and very good dog named lara
she was a newfoundland so very lorg

he did not ever marry but he had dogs and eaglebirbs so he was just fine
ok that was a long break but we will finish
jeems was very busy with computer stuff
not jeems madison
not jeems monroe
not jeems polk
not jeems buchanan

goofy jeems who used to be dog dad for jackson
that's me jackson in the little dtsn pic

ok more presidentpets
oh wow this next one may take two tweets
because abe lincoln had many many pets
no honestly he did
that is why he is honest abe

many we don't know names
but he had a piggy oink and ponies and bunnies and two goats and two turkeys

also kitties named tabby and dixie plus strays
many good stories of lincolnkitties

from this link:
At one point during his first term, Lincoln was said to have observed in frustration, “Dixie is smarter than my whole cabinet! And furthermore she doesn’t talk back!”

that is so much like a cat
lincoln also had many many doggos
jip was a lap dog
also help eat the food at dinner table

his favoritest soul dog was fido
fido was yellow mutt with flomp ears and stub tail
fido did not live in white house because too scary

this fido why many many dogs after were named fido
17 president not as popular
andrew johnson
he had peaches and sat in them
he was in peached

when they were putting him in peaches he did a big sad
he had no official pet
but did be a very good fren to some white mice
his daughter tried to get them with cats
but he kept mice safe
18 was a general and still no airplanes and jeeps to that meant horsies
ulysses grant had many horsies
jeff davis (picture)
st louis
billy button
butcher boy

also doggos
newfie named faithful
mutt named rosie
and also parrot birb
whew lots
next president 19 was rutherford b hayes
he will take multiple tweets too
ok here are the not-doggos

he got the first siamese kitties ever in the u s a
as gift from bangkok
one was named siam
that makes sense
other was miss pussy
also another kitty named piccolomini
wow this is long list
still more not-doggos

hayes had a goat
and a mockingbirb
and a canary and a canary and a canary and a canary
that is 4 canary birbs

and also many cows
and many horses to pull carriage
wow that is a lot

but he had many doggos too
ok here are all the hayes doggos

newfoundland hector
mastiff duke
greyhound grim
mini schnauzer otis
cocker spaniel dot
hunting dog juno
hunting dog shep
smol mutt jet

that is enough for a dogsled team
but they were not sled dogs
but they were all very good dogs of course
ok time for another jeems
there sure are a lot of president jeemses
this is jeems garfield

his daughter mollie had a brown mare name kit

president had his own dog
a black newfoundland
with a very good president name

veto was a superdog
unfortunate but that jeems was killed
so 21 was veepee chester arthur
who became president

he did not have house pets but he had two horsies
everyone talked about how beautiful those horsies were
they were redbrown bays
grover cleveland was president two different times
probably because he had so many pets he had to
chikkies and ponies and fishies and canary birb and mockingbirb birb

many doggos
cocker spaniel gallagher
st bernard kay
black french poodle hector

but one more:
president grover also had a daushand

we do not know doxie name
but was mentioned in chicago newspaper story

"a bow-legged, squat-figured dachshund, with long flapping ears"

this is a perfect doggo 
ok after cleveland and before cleveland was benjamin harrison

he had a goat named old whiskers he got for grandkids to play with

also his own collie doggo named dash

also two possums
mr reciprocity
mr protection

gift for grandkids but got to run around white house
by the way this is an official possum alert for nimki

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