#CLST6 For my #LookCloser7 / #RR16 I used Google Street View to explore Pompeii. I visited the Amphitheatre of Pompeii, the House of the Vettii, and the Temple of Apollo, but my favorite was the House of the Faun. What particularly stood out to me was the floor art. /1
The first of the rooms I came across is the Tuscan atrium (image below (1)), which is also room 3 on the map below. What is seen here is the impluvium and a statue of a dancing Faun (2). Although the statue is the main focus, the floor tiles are beautiful as well. /2
As I continued to walk through the house I came across the tablinum (room 7 on the map above) (images below (1)). This room had another marble tile pattern that looks similar to the impluvium from the previous room. Once again the art is eye catching and fascinating. /3
As I continued to virtually walk through the house, I came across room 11 in the map from before. This room is the exedra and it features an elaborate mosaic known as the Alexander Mosaic (images below (1)). /4
The mosaics in this house were particularly interesting because they were created out of many tiny tesserae (cubes) (3). Considering the technique, it makes the mosaic even more impressive and especially would have that effect on guests at the time. /5
All of these tiled floor patterns are in areas of the house where guests would congregate. It is clear that the placement of them is strategic. When guests would come they would be impressed by the art, and as a result, they would be impressed by the wealth of the owner. /6
(1) Sceenshots from Google Street View.
(2) Kleiner, A History of Roman Art. Chapter 4. Page 63.
(3) Kleiner, A History of Roman Art. Chapter 4. Page 64.
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