I assure you that even if Biden takes Texas, the same people who wanted to abolish the electoral college yesterday will continue to want to abolish the electoral college tomorrow.

Some of us just support democracy and think that everyone's vote should have equal weight. https://twitter.com/JonahDispatch/status/1323633085741735938
Democrats, consistently: Abolish the electoral college.

Republicans: went from 53 percent in favor of abolishing the EC ahead of the 2012 election to only 17 in favor of abolishing it after 2016

Which group is the less principled one? https://news.gallup.com/poll/320744/americans-support-abolishing-electoral-college.aspx
The reason public support for abolishing the EC dipped at all from its fairly consistent ~60% support was because Republican support for the idea dropped off a cliff after the 2016 election. https://news.gallup.com/poll/198917/americans-support-electoral-college-rises-sharply.aspx
[jerking off motion] https://twitter.com/StephenPampell/status/1323649395309633542
1. The data is for the past 20 years.
2. Prior to 2000, support for abolishing the EC was pretty uniform across parties (didn't really drop until after 2000 when Republicans lost the popular vote and still won the presidency).
3. "how about you read the federalist papers..." lol
We should get rid of the electoral college before the 2024 election (or 2028 at the latest). Force candidates to try to *gasp* actually appeal to a majority of voters instead of letting the same handful of states effectively decide the outcome every single time around.
That is an amazing ratio
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